Great News!

Businesses now have a tremendous opportunity to grow their sales and build their communities by leveraging the emerging Cloud-based apps/platforms to better connect with their customers.

Think: Email Marketing, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter), Video, Mobile, E-commerce, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Automation, and more.


What could this mean to you?

  • Higher sales to prospects
  • Stronger brand loyalty
  • Customers stay longer (important in today’s SaaS model)

Does your business have a plan to leverage these exciting advances?

Aptus Marketing can help you set a strategy and roll it out.

Aptus is the Latin word for “connected.” Aptus Digital helps businesses better connect with their customers and prospects to grow sales and build long term relationships with their customers.

We do this through expert:

  • Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing – we help you put together the right mar­ket­ing mix to meet your lead gen­er­a­tion and top line sales goals
  • Busi­ness Sys­tem selection/implementation (CRM, mar­ket­ing automa­tion & sales force automa­tion)- we ensure that your sys­tems will sup­port your sales and sup­port needs/goals
  • Cus­tomer Support/Retention Mar­ket­ing– The new model of SaaS soft­ware requires you to pro­vide great sup­port and con­tin­u­ous value with your cus­tomers; we make sure you have a plan and the sys­tems for this.

The team at Aptus Digital has a long, suc­cess­ful track record of deliv­er­ing sales growth in soft­ware com­pa­nies (both B2B and B2C) and across many indus­tries. Read more.

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